Hello to 2022! I hope you had an incredible holiday break and a great start to the New Year. It always feels like a breath of fresh air when the clock hits midnight. A clean slate to turn the year into something you enjoy. I mean, just look at how different you are from the start of 2021 to now? Can any of us say we’re the same person? No. The answer is no. And we won’t be the same people at the end of 2022. Therein lies the excitement!
You know what used to be a bigger deal when I was younger? New Year’s resolutions. Does anyone do those anymore?
Well I think we should bring those back. It helped my scatterbrain keep a goal in mind all year. I think we moved away from those because people would make them super serious but why can’t resolutions be fun? Why must goals always be about something productive? It’s perfectly okay to want to have goals based around passions and hobbies!
Here are 5 New Year’s Resolutions that you’ll actually want to keep:
Resolution 1: Learn to Cook
Sometimes I think of cooking as a chore. I always say that I love cooking but I don’t want to need to cook. I truly enjoy seeing new recipes on TikTok or Pinterest and making the ingredients on a lazy weekend afternoon. It’s not out of necessity but out of enjoyment. The pressure’s off and you’re learning something new. It can actually be pretty therapeutic. The best of all – the internet now provides so many resources to start learning without having to spend any money on cookbooks or expensive utensils. You can start by checking out posts under my FOOD category for easy, low effort, recipes.
Resolution 2: Donate Clothes You Never Wear
If you’re anything like me, you have a closet full of clothes and you just keep buying more. So much so that you’re running out of room and only wear about 35% of it while hanging onto things under the premise of “someday”. Make it a goal to go through your closet at least twice a year to donate the items you haven’t worn in the last 6 months. It’ll feel good to have room in the closet again!
Resolution 3: Give One Compliment Per Day
This is more of a conscious effort. In life we find ourselves dwelling on the negative or living in a Truman show-like repetitive cycle. Consciously complimenting someone at least once per day trains your brain to look at the positives out there. There are so many that we don’t allow ourselves to notice!
Resolution 4: Try X Amount of Restaurants
I’m not talking about UberEats or DoorDash. No. Physically try new restaurants that you’ve never been in before. You can like them or hate them but it’ll get you out of that repetitive cycle I mentioned above. Honestly, I might just make this one my resolution but expanding your palate is never a bad thing.
Resolution 5: Nurture Your Hobby
Do you love writing? Write X amount of pages per day. Do you love plants? Fill your home with them. Do you love crafting? Make time to craft. Hell, even open an Etsy shop. Whatever you choose to do, just take the time to nuture your passions. It’s all too often we’re stuck at work, mindlessly staring at a screen, then coming home to stare at a bigger screen. Make the time to focus on the things that make you happy. That way you’ll have something to look forward to everyday.
Let me know what your resolution is for 2022. It’s going to be a great year, I can feel it!
In regards to the blog, I’ll be upping my weekly posts from 2 to 3. The new schedule will be Monday, Wednesday, Friday. I’ll be incorporating a lot more recipes that I’ve been working on at home, as well as a more consistent rotation of my categories. I hope you continue to follow along!