November is here and we’ve arrived at the last two months of the year. I’ve always thought of this month as a transition between the fall and Christmas. When I was a kid, I loved how fast the days went by as we counted our sleeps until we opened our eyes to presents around the tree . Then came January, the cold and snowstorms felt like a waste of time since there wasn’t anything left to celebrate until spring.
The older I’ve gotten, the more I’ve learned to appreciate the winter and what it brings. It allows for the slowing down of time and distractions. It allows for the ability to focus on yourself and your comfort. It brings stews and broths, hot coco and comfy clothes along with snow days perfect for movie marathons.
It’s a skill to be able to cocoon your life. While the summer and fall are always popular because the weather is nice and there’s so much to do but this is definitely the season to focus on you. Now you could be saying “Redina, we just spent a year inside. I’m exhausted of spending time with myself”. To that I say, you shouldn’t be. You can never spend to much time focusing on yourself, your likes, dislikes, and honing skills. In life, you are always going to spend the most amount of time with you, you might as well like it!
Here are some things to do as the temps drop and the last leaf hits the ground.
Commit to a Self-Care Day
This could mean something different to everyone. A self care day may mean you take yourself to a bookstore to browse for the perfect novel before taking a seat at your favorite coffee shop. It could mean that you schedule yourself a facial, a nail appointment, or a massage. I usually pick Sundays to throw on a face mask, a hair mask, and allow myself unrushed time to get ready for the week ahead.
Upgrade Your At-Home Attire
What makes staying inside more enjoyable than a matching set of sweatpants, some fabrics, and stretchy waistbands? Unless you’re the weirdo that likes to wear jeans at home. (JK but not really!) Amazon has been a staple in affordable loungewear and I’ve put together some of my favorites for you in this post.

Take Up A New Skill
The season is perfect for throwing on an apron and honing your skills in the kitchen. You can try out a new recipe every week in order to expand your palate. Chili is usually a favorite during the colder nights. If cooking’s not your thing, you can try downloading an app to pick up a new language. Still not your thing? How about painting? Knitting? Writing? Playing an instrument? There’s so much you can do.
Online Workouts For The Win
Whoever invented YouTube is a godsend. Any and everything is on there. Including at home, minimal equipment, workouts. You can find anything from yoga, pilatites, to high intensity training all without having to leave your home. I’m sure after quarantine, there are even more of these videos than before.
The goal is to work on you. Make your home your safe space to not only allow for new adventures but also the lazy days if you have a hard day at work and just want to order takeout. Buy some cozy outfits, light a scented candle, and embrace all the things you love. What else is there to do but make the best of the slow season?
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