DIY Blackhead Remover

So it seems that baking soda is like the holy grail for women.

(Maybe men too but I wouldn’t know because I’m not a man and my husband doesn’t let me use him for experiments.)

But anytime I’ve looked for a homemade remedy for anything – baking soda is usually a main ingredient. I know personally my mom uses it for a bunch of different reasons.

Anyway, I was sitting at home staring at the magnifying side of my hand mirror as one does, when I noticed how many blackheads had accrued on my nose and chin. Of course I could’ve just started squeezing the hell of them but I really didn’t want to deal with the pain or the swelling after so I went to Pinterest which has the answers to all of life’s questions.

I could’ve easily just went to the store to get the pore strips but I was way to lazy and the thought of putting on shoes, walking down three flights of stairs, driving to the store and coming back up the stairs just didn’t seem appealing.

To top it off, I hadn’t even gone grocery shopping so I needed something that I could do from the things I already had a home.

Welp, lo and behold, I came across this article: Instant Blackhead Remover and I figured with only two ingredients, I’d give it a shot. Why not?

Seeing as I’m writing this, you guys have probably gathered by now that it did wonders. Now I can’t say that it removed 100% of my blackheads, or even that it looked anything like the picture on that site, but it did make a HUGE difference.

All you do it take a spoon, big or little, depending on the area you want to cover. (I used big because I put it on my whole face.) You put one spoonful of baking soda in a bowl, then one spoonful of lemon juice and after it finishes fizzing, you taking the paste that’s under the layer of liquid and just apply it as a mask to the area you want.

Like I mentioned, I did it to my whole face because again… why not?

I left the mask on until it was dry, about 10-15 minutes, and then I rinsed it off, making sure to scrub so the baking soda also exfoliated while I washed it away.

Let me tell you, you’re skin feels like a baby. It’s super smooth and it’s a lot brighter because of the exfoliating.

I don’t know how often it’s recommended to be used, especially since I scrub with it, but I’ve been using it like three times a week. Like I said, it clears the blackheads, it makes the skin soft, helps with inflammation, and your face just looks brighter. I even tried it on my mom and she loved it so that says a lot.

Let me know if you try it!

I know there’s a million things to use baking soda for but drop some recommendations if you have something you absolutely love using it for. 🙂


Hello! I’m Redina. I'm an overthinker, impulse shopper, and constant rambler. Hope you enjoy my scattered musings about all things relevant to my life!