With Thanksgiving literally around the corner, it’s now that time of year that has everyone scrambling to think of things they can make for the one dinner a year everyone waits for. I have dinner with family on the regular, but there’s something so so so exciting about Thanksgiving.
— Scroll Down for Recipe —
Jay and I go to his uncle’s house every year for Thanksgiving dinner and every year we look forward to the next. He makes the most amazing Ham. Grandma brings her potato salad. My mother-in-law and his aunt make the most amazing desserts like homemade Crème brûlée, cheesecake, and palmers. UGH my mouth is watering just writing this out.
Lucky for us, we’re surrounded by all of these amazing cooks, but as a polite guest, I always try to bring something as well.
For the last 3-4 years, I have been bringing homemade Pumpkin Pie Bites. They are literally the easiest thing to make and they usually go pretty quickly with everyone grabbing one while waiting for the food to finish or after dinner when we’re all sitting around.
Short story: I was so nervous the first time I brought them over to his house because they’re all great cooks, but then Jay’s grandma loved them and so did his younger cousin. If that’s not a boost in confidence, I don’t know what is!
The recipe is the easiest thing you’ll ever make and the prep time takes a total of 5 minutes. It’s great for those who aren’t a fan of things too sweet and can be adjusted for those who like things on the sweeter side. Plus, these are great because you don’t have to have a fork or a plate, you can just grab one and go on about your business.