Everything You Need for Insane Hair Growth!

I used to have crazy long hair when I was a kid. Then as most teen girls do, I started using heat tools irresponsibly. After a big chop, heat tools, and a many years of box dyes, my hair had refused to grow past shoulder length for many years.

I made it a mission to repair my hair. While I still use all my heat tools (with heat protection) I’ve done my best to invest in products that make a difference.

I wash my hair every other day with Vegamour products. I could feel a difference in the thickness in just about 2 weeks time. After towel drying, I apply the Amika leave in conditioner, followed by the Olaplex bonding oil after blow drying. Every week I alternate between coating my hair in Caster Oil and the Briogeo hair repair mask.

I also swear by only brushing with wide tooth comes and vented brushes when blow drying. To sleep I tie my hair up in silk scrunches and sleep on a satin pillow case. 

My hair honestly feels so good. It’s finally down past my shoulders and there’s barely any split ends. 

On top of that, I have been applying the castor oil and LashMD to my brows and lashes which have also had incredible growth.

There’s a ton of products on the market right now but these are the ones proven to work for me. The most important thing to know is that the journey to healthy hair is just that. A journey. You won’t see immediate differences so be patient, listen to your hair, and have fun with it!




Hello! I’m Redina. I'm an overthinker, impulse shopper, and constant rambler. Hope you enjoy my scattered musings about all things relevant to my life!