Our Experience at Quabbin Reservoir

I want to start off by stating some facts about Quabbin Reservoir. For those who are unfamiliar, the Quabbin Reservoir was built between 1935 -1939. It was built over several small towns that made up this area. The purpose for its construction was to provide water for many neighboring towns at the time. Today there are twelve towns that surround the watershed, it serves well over 2.2 million people, and provides more than 151 gallons per day. It is the largest body of water in all of Massachusetts, and has a reputation for being one of the best fisheries within 120 miles from my home.

I thought all of this was important to say because our trip to the reservoir was one of the best experiences we’ve ever shared. We not only had two of the best bass fishing days we’ve ever had, but we also learned a lot, and gained new appreciation for the natural habitats that we enjoy more and more on our adventures.


We began planning this trip about a month ago. My cousin’s birthday was on August 2 and we wanted to do something special with him. He had heard from a friend that for around $45 you can park and rent a motorboat to go fishing in the reservoir from 6am to 6pm. We’ve been getting into bass fishing a lot lately, as those who have been following us may already know, but had only done so from shore, so we couldn’t pass up the opportunity. Prior to getting there, we familiarized ourselves with the fishing areas of the watershed, as well as rules and regulations.

Leading up to our trip the weather wasn’t looking promising. It showed torrential downpour with no end in sight. Nonetheless we were not letting that stop us. The night before we packed our tackle boxes, made sandwiches and filled the soft cooler with drinks for the trip. We were up at 4 am and out the house by 4:30 am. The trip took about 1 hour and 45 min and the weather held up until then.


Because of impending bad weather conditions, there was no line, no wait, and we were on the water in no time. From the moment we got out there, Redina was catching fish left and right. She’d tell you she’s a natural. I know it’s just beginners luck. Either way the bite was good and we were having a blast. Despite the weather conditions, Quabbin was beautiful. The perspective from a boat, surrounded on all corners by trees and water was very humbling. We were all going back and forth from catching bass and being mesmerized by the scenery. Even once the rain started we were having way too much fun to leave. Besides we expected it and brought rain jackets just in case. It wasn’t until we heard thunder that we called it quits.

%Wr38jYXRlWbNAgm2lpEIg3UNNVMjoQaGMLqfs01l23AThe trip back home we couldn’t stop talking about how much fun we had and the things we saw while on the water. So much so that despite being super tired and drenched from head to toe, we committed to returning the next morning. The drive home was about 2 hours. We all showered, cleaned our gear and took a nap. Later that night, we planned our trip out and packed things up again.

Turns out the weather for the next day was looking incredible and we were stoked to get out there again, not so much so for the 4am wake up call though. Either way, we were up and out at the same time.

Turns out when the weather is looking up the Quabbin Reservoir gets busy. When we pulled up we found ourselves in a line of cars that we just weren’t expecting at all. At first it made me a bit anxious. I didn’t want to be left without a boat. Fortunately, most people there had there own water crafts and there was nothing to stress over. Still, I would recommend arriving by 6am just to be safe.


We got out on the water and it felt as though we picked up right where we left off. The morning was cool and the fish were biting. We had all day this time and we explored every bit that we could. This day was my cousins lucky day. The fish were active and he was getting all the bites. It was his birthday weekend so I was glad he was enjoying himself.


We fished the shoreline staying in the shade as long as we could. Seemed as thought the fish had the same idea. Around noon time the sun was directly overhead and its important to know that at this time there is really nowhere to hide from the sun and it can get blazing, especially on an aluminum boat. We managed to find a small cove that had a bit of shade and we took a well deserved break. We stayed until about 1 pm and we really enjoyed our time there, but in the future we’ll probably keep it under 4 hrs out on the water. Anytime after that the heat can get really unbearable. Despite this, the scenery was just as beautiful this day as the day before.


All in all it was an amazing experience, a few tips I would recommend if your planning a trip out on the water like this are to bring plenty of fluids cause you won’t be finding any once you get out there. Also bring a trash bag to collect any trash you might create as well as any trash you might find. While fishing I was lucky enough to get caught up on some fishing line that had been caught in the water. I was able to get it out and throw it away. Also, bring some towelettes and maybe baby wipes. Things can get pretty messy out there and keeping things clean is key to a good fishing trip. I think in the next week or so I’ll make a list of all the things we brought as well as things I think we should have brought with us. Keep an eye out for that if you’re interested.


*** Please excuse all the turned over photos. WordPress media gallery is the absolute worse and it keeps glitching. I’ll have it figured out one day.Q


Hello! I’m Redina. I'm an overthinker, impulse shopper, and constant rambler. Hope you enjoy my scattered musings about all things relevant to my life!