So these days we really don’t have time to watch tv, and realistically I don’t think we even have the attention span to get into anything new. I honestly think that the internet/social media is doing some pretty messed up stuff to my brain. All that being said, every so often we like to dive into the sofa and binge watch seasons of a show with a bunch of junk food for days. Most of the time anything will do, but we always find our way back to the same 4 shows.
Here are our top binge worthy shows on Netflix.

The Office
Like most people Redina and I didn’t get into The Office until it released on Netflix, but we haven’t looked back since. It has to be our #1 go-to when we literally can’t think of anything else to watch, and once we start down this road it doesn’t end til the very last episode. My favorite part of the show is falling in hate with Pam all over again every time.

How I Met Your Mother
Oh this show, How I Met Your Mother is a show I love to hate. It’s also the perfect example of why Neil Patrick Harris should be in everything. NPH literally makes everything better. I mean the guy has the cutest family in the world. If you haven’t seen pictures of his family dressed for Halloween your missing out on some seriously cute stuff. Anyways the character he plays is somehow the most lovable womanizer with a heart of gold, and makes the show worth watching all the way through.

Parks & Rec
Some shows we watch for the action, others for the comedy, or drama. Parks and Rec we watch for Leslie Knope. Leslie Knope is a saint. She is the most selfless character ever, and forces you to love her. Not to mention the fact that I strive to be ⅛ the man Ron Swanson is, problem is everytime we binge the show he raises the bar.

I introduced Redina to this one. Been watching it since the beginning and I loved the fact that I got to do it all again from the start with Redina. I think we envy the Winchester’s nomadic lifestyle moving from state to state and living on the road. I swear one day we’ll set off into the sunset and let the road show us where to go. Until then we can live through our boys.
Honorable mention goes to Doctor Who, probably my favorite show ever that I have to watch in secret. Seriously I’ve watched it so much and Redina has rolled her eyes at hearing the intro so many times I’m afraid her eyes will literally get stuck. Its my poorly kept secret, my guilty pleasure. The Doctor never disappoints. But that’s all we have. Let us know what shows Netflix will have to pry from your cold dead hands before removing them from their lineup.