Weekly Meal Planner (FREE DOWNLOAD)

As you all know by now, I’ve been working on doing better with cooking at home. It’s not easy no matter how hard or how often I try to improve. I think that’s one of the reasons I need to be rich as hell, so I can have a personal chef on hand or something. I mean, it’s like even the recipes I’ve done forever and know by heart – I still mess up on.

Like yesterday, I made pasta. Pasta that I’ve made since the BEGINNING of TIME (pardon my exaggeration), but I made it yesterday, and it tasted like nothing. Like literally nothing. What the hell.

grocery shopping

Anyway, one of the many problems I run into on this never-ending journey, is going grocery shopping for the standard things we should have in the house and then not knowing what to do with them so they would go bad. Like, they’d go in the fridge after a grocery shop and they wouldn’t go back out until they had to be thrown straight into the trash.

We’re wasteful, horrible people. I know.

Well to prevent that, I did some more research on pinterest and saw that a lot of people used like an organizer where they wrote down the meals they planned on making for the week and a list of groceries they needed for those recipes.

I made my own and you can download it at the bottom of this.Weekly Meal Planner

It’s pretty self explanatory. You have the days of the week on the left and you write down the meals you plan on making for those days. On the right, you have the groceries your recipes will need.

I’ve been using this for the last few weeks and find it to a huge help. Not only does it leave out the endless debate on what to make for dinner, but this way you only go buy the things you’re going to need that week and very minimal waste.


Weekly Meal Planner

Let me know if you use it or if you have your own – how do you like to plan out meals?



Hello! I’m Redina. I'm an overthinker, impulse shopper, and constant rambler. Hope you enjoy my scattered musings about all things relevant to my life!