The Best Recipes for Your Thanksgiving Dinner

Well, Thanksgiving is exactly one week away and we all know this’ll be the shortest week of the year!

How are you doing? Are you mentally prepared? Do you have family coming over? Friends? Is it a large crowd or small? Before we know it, we’ll be waking up at 6am to put in the turkey and overworking ourselves to get everything cooked before the first guests arrive.

If you haven’t already planned out your menu, let me offer you some of the best recipes I’ve found on Pinterest that I now try to incorporate into every holiday dinner. This way, you can pick your favorites, and go into the grocery store with a plan. This weekend the grocery stores will be hectic enough without you needing to wander aimlessly looking for any type of inspiration.

Photo Credits in Order: Natasha’s Kitchen, Lemon Tree Dwelling, Chili Pepper Madness, Lepp Farm Market, Cooking Classy, Home is Where the Boat is

The best part? Most of the dishes on my list are convenient enough to cook the night before. That way the only thing you’ll need to focus on Thanksgiving Day will be the Turkey, the fresh food, and the anxiety.

Happy Eating!


Hello! I’m Redina. I'm an overthinker, impulse shopper, and constant rambler. Hope you enjoy my scattered musings about all things relevant to my life!