5 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

After the excitement of the holiday season, January looks like a fresh start full of hope and possibilities. Then after the first week, you realize that there isn’t much to do or much that you’re willing to do because it’s dark by 3pm and cold as all hell (especially in New England).

In my opinion, January, February, and March are the most boring months of the year so I thought I’d come up with a list of stuff to help all of us overcome these next few months.


  1. Start a new fitness routine.

Life on the Simple Side - 5 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

Since January tends to be the month that most people are motivated to start working out, if you haven’t already, maybe you can start. Pinterest has a ton of ideas of workouts you can do at home. You can also check this post where I list my favorite apps for working out as well as how I started.

Remember, the key to this is discipline. Since writing that post, I’ve fallen and gotten back on a few different health kicks. Hell, we’re currently on one now! If you feel like you’ve failed, gather yourself and try again. You’ve got nothing but time.


  1. Find a new show to binge watch on Netflix.

Life on the Simple Side - 5 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

If you have no desire to be active, I totally get it. Why not come home from work, kick off your shoes, get under a million blankets and just binge watch a new show?

These are some of our favorites. And by favorites, I mean we’ve literally watched them through at least 3 times. We’re currently trying to get into Brooklyn 99, but something about the humor, I haven’t been feeling. Jay likes more drama/action based shows, but I’m for comedy sitcoms all the way.


  1. Purge your house of all the unnecessary clutter.

Life on the Simple Side - 5 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

One of Jay’s favorite things, is watching me throw out bags and bags stuff I’ve accumulated over the years. At least twice a year, I empty out my closet and donate things that I haven’t worn in months. Once a year, I open all my cabinets in my kitchen and bathroom and clean out things that are broken, things that have been replaced, things that I have multiple of, just things.

Once that’s done, it feels like a brand new home ready to be re-cluttered. (Cue Jay’s eye roll.)


  1. Buy a new cook book and try a new recipe every week.

Life on the Simple Side - 5 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

I own multiple cookbooks. I maybe have made one recipe per book then neatly used them as decorative display on for the rest of forever. If you don’t have a cookbook go get one.

The cookbooks I have right now are:

If you already have one, get one that you think you like the most, and start making one recipe a week. You’ll find a new meal to add into your regular meal rotations and/or you can perfect your some of your skills in the kitchen.


  1. Plan a weekend getaway.

Life on the Simple Side - 5 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues


My instagram feed at this point in the winter gives me so much envy with images of warm cabins in the snowy woods. Pack some wine, some board games, and some snow boots and cuddle up with your sweethearts by a warm fireplace. It may still be cold, but at least you’ll feel like you’re in a Hallmark movie.

I hope this helps! Let us know what some of your winter remedies are. 🙂


instagramBe sure to follow us on Instagram at @RedinaLarosa. You’ll always find out first what we’re doing and you’ll be able to follow along with our adventures.


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Hello! I’m Redina. I'm an overthinker, impulse shopper, and constant rambler. Hope you enjoy my scattered musings about all things relevant to my life!