End of Summer Recap 2018

With this being the last week of Summer, we figured we’d do a recap of our last few months. This year has been such a whirlwind but we’ve kept incredible busy so it’ll be nice to look back at it before we can fully get into the fall spirit.

This is actually great for our memories too because our life somehow moves so fast we can never remember what we do until we look back at photos.



This was the beginning of our short lived hiking/running obsession. We went to a new park almost every day and walked 1 mile or 2 before the weather started getting incredible hot and humid, bringing out a TON of bugs.

Summer Recap Hiking - LOTSS


June was also the month we went for a weekend getaway to Vermont where we solidly fell in love with the town.

Summer Recap Vermont - LOTSS



July was the start of Jay’s interest in fishing. We bought rods and reels and baits and boxes and coolers. Let’s just say fishing isn’t as cheap as one would think. At least not when your husband wants professional quality equipment regardless of how inexperienced he was. I do have to admit, by the end of the month, I actually really enjoyed it so we started doing it together at little ponds and lakes.

Summer Recap Fishing - LOTSS

We actually took a few trips this month as well. My family was spending 4th of July week down at the Cape so Jay and I headed down for a day twice that week.

Summer Recap Cape Cod - LOTSS

We also made it a point to explore our own state a little more so one day we up and drove to Foxboro, the following week we went down to Situate. We spent a day driving up the coast to Marblehead and Newburyport, and then we took a 24 hour trip through Western Mass to go through the small towns, pick some blueberries, and even ran across a renaissance fair.

Summer Recap Western Mass - LOTSS


In August, I made it a point to cook more. I actually had a whole week where I cooked everyday. I don’t think I’ve ever done that before so I’m going to count that on my list of adult accomplishments.

Summer Recap Cooking - LOTSS

We also took a trip to Quabbin Reservoir where we had some of the most fun in the most “All-American” way you can think of. Boating, fishing, and shooting the shit. We actually did it twice because the first day the weather didn’t hold up whatsoever.

Summer Recap Quabbin Reserve - LOTSS

Also, we actually just got back yesterday from a trip across the state of New Hampshire where we went up the Mt Washington Auto Road, tried a whole lotta “game” meat, and watched a Bear show, but Jay’s going to tell you all about that on Wednesday so you can look forward to finding out about that trip.

Summer Recap Mt. Washington - LOTSS

Actually, if you think this is a lazy post, you’re absolutely correct. We got home exhausted and as I’m finishing this post it’s about to be Midnight on Sunday/Monday night/morning so bare with us. 🙂


Hello! I’m Redina. I'm an overthinker, impulse shopper, and constant rambler. Hope you enjoy my scattered musings about all things relevant to my life!