Spicy Shrimp Tacos

Obviously you guys are now aware of my love/hate relationship with cooking so we usually just order in for dinner and eat out for lunch … and breakfast.

Oh my god, I think this is the first time I’ve come to the realization that we both eat out for every single meal. What the hell? How unhealthy is that?!

Great, now I’ve become self aware, we have to do better (but like i’ll still find some kind of excuse).

ANYWAY, as I wallow in self hate from my irresponsibility, I did end up cooking a few things here and there. One of them being this shrimp taco recipe from GimmeDelicious.com.

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We chose it because we felt like absolute crap after eating out for every meal (as I’ve stated a million times in this post alone) and we needed something remotely healthy so I found this at work and we went out to buy the ingredients.

The ingredients are broken down to the shrimp marinade, avocado salsa, and the sour cream and cilantro mixture.

It took us a total of 20 minutes, 15 of which was marinating the shrimp and cutting up the avocado salsa ingredients, then 5 minutes for cooking and assembling the tacos.

It was actually so easy I didn’t even fail at it. And that’s saying A LOT because even my guac is a hit or miss most of the time.

Let me know if you try it out. Gimmie Delicious has a ton of amazing recipes that I’ll be sure to try because I’m not in anyway creative with food. I have to do more cooking posts because it’s the only way I’ll eat healthy and cook is if I’m trying a recipe that I’ll put up on the blog.

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Do you guys have any clean eating recipes for us? Let us know what we should try out even it if means totally failing and ordering out anyway – it’s the attempts that count. 🙂

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Hello! I’m Redina. I'm an overthinker, impulse shopper, and constant rambler. Hope you enjoy my scattered musings about all things relevant to my life!