What’s In My Beach Bag?

While I hate going to the beach, I somehow year round keep a beach bag packed and ready by some off chance we’re going to whisk off somewhere tropical.

Of course that’s never happened. We’re not “whisk away” kind of people. My anxiety would never allow any trip without months of prior planning.

Realistically, I keep it packed year round because it’s the only way I won’t lose everything in various shelves and drawers in the house. Hell, I even keep my bathing suits in it.

So with that said… would you like to know what else I keep in it? Of course you do. Why else would you click on a post called: “What’s in my beach bag?” 🙂

Beach Bag Essentials

Sunblock is an absolute must for me. I have this massive fear of skin cancer so whoever’s near me I’ll make sure I spray them down as well as coat myself in layers. I don’t mind the sunburn but those UV rays gotta stay back. That also include having a chapstick with SPF. Eye drops are again a must. All that salt getting in your eyes just makes me cringe, especially being a contact wearer. Most of everything else is just a plus.

This is just a basic list of what’s ALWAYS in the bag. I also always bring a few ziplocks to keep important things like wallets, cash, keys, etc. This just helps everything be a little more organized. I’ll also throw in a portable charger, or bandaids, whatever I shove in there from my purse the day of.

Again, I’m not a beach person – I’m not even a summer person – but I like to be prepared and I feel like that’s as good a starter bag as possible.


Hello! I’m Redina. I'm an overthinker, impulse shopper, and constant rambler. Hope you enjoy my scattered musings about all things relevant to my life!